NUMS Past Papers with Answer Key (Free Download PDF)

NUMS Past Papers
NUMS Past Papers with Answer Key (Free Download PDF)

Are you looking for NUMS Past Papers to prepare for Numerical Test? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

Here, we will provide you NUMS Past Papers with Answer Keys with a download option in PDF format. NUMS Mdcat Past Papers including MCQs will help you score good marks in NUMS and MDCAT tests. Practice questions from these NUMS papers from which one can get great knowledge and idea about the NUMS test. Because most of the past papers MCQs are repeated in NUMS.

What is NUMS MDCAT Test?

NUMS stands for the National University of Medical Science which will conduct the test for pre-medical students who want to take admitted to MBBS or the medical field.

  • 5 years of MBBS programs (MBBS)
  • Surgery
  • medicine
  • BDS
  • Allied Health Science

The NUMS test is the initial step for admission to one of the NUMS-affiliated medical or dental colleges. So, admission to public and private medical college entrance tests is the initial and important step. Getting good marks can get admission to medical and dental colleges.

Every year, NUMS conducts this test. 11 medical colleges are affiliated with the National University of Medical Science. There are 12 locations for conducting the NUMS test. NUMS manages the test procedure from the registration of candidates through NUMS results.

Most importantly, the NUMS test is difficult to evaluate by an examiner. Through which highly qualified students are evaluated. If you think this is an easy test then don’t work hard. Then it will become a serious regrettable situation later and it can do you no good. And the time that has passed does not come back. So, you should not take this light and easy test. For which labor is necessary.

NUMS Test Pattern

Every subject, exam, or field of study depends on a pattern or outline. As in preparing for any subject or any type of test, patterns play a huge role. From the pattern, one can understand the method of preparation. And also estimate the time in which he can better prepare for his exam. Roughly, the NUMS test remains the same. We can say that this is an advantage or advantage for students to prepare for the NUMS test from NUMS Previous Papers.

Like any other field of education, the NUMS test has a paper pattern. Through this students can prepare themselves for the NUMS test. Generally, the NUMS test consists of a pattern like this, 180 questions in the NUMS test 2020, but it can be changed. As in the 2021 NUMS test pattern total of 150 questions were given. So, 150 subject-based questions cover 150 minutes.

But in all NUMS tests, biology always constitutes a large part of the total NUMS test. It doesn’t matter. So, students should focus on each subject as each subject is important to them. A sign is important to them. In that case, they should be sincere in NUMS test preparation as per the NUMS test pattern.

Any test pattern is an integral part of the test. Students should follow NUMS 2023 pattern to get good marks. Sometimes, students do not follow the pattern of the test and they are unable to score high. A strict pattern should be followed to score high marks on the NUMS test.

This is the NUMS 2023 Test Syllabus.

Biology60 MCQs (40%)
Physics37 MCQs (25%)
Chemistry38  MCQs(25%)
English15 MCQs(10%)

There are 50 psychological questions for which 30 minutes are given. NUMS Test 2021, marking was subject-based, but qualifying for the psychological test is mandatory. An important thing in NUMS 2021 test is that there is no negative marking.

There are three types of questions in the NUMS test.

  • easy
  • Moderate
  • tough

They are in percentages of 20%, 55%, and 25%, respectively. Because it is a qualifying test for all hardworking and intelligent students.

NUMS Test Preparation Books

Preparation is essential to get good marks and achieve your goals. One should always prepare oneself for any exam preparation. If he wants to achieve his goal. Textbooks and past papers on each subject are important parts of preparation.

Like other tests, the NUMS MDCAT test is mostly taken from a textbook. As this is a way to test the student’s ability to become a doctor in the future. So one should have the ability to understand all the topics in the best possible way. Books you need for NUMS MDCAT

  • Textbooks of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English
  • NUMS MDCAT Past Papers
  • National Foundation Books
  • NUMS Preparation Manual
  • Handmade notes

But most of the time, NUMS MDCAT has NUMS Test Past Papers content. So, students should consider NUMS Test Past Papers.


Importance of NUMS MDCAT Past Papers

There are many NUMS test preparation centers or academies in our country. Each academy provides its own NUMS preparation books. These books are for practice. These books contain almost NUMS past MCQs. These are very important for all students who want to score good marks on the NUMS test.

Today it is difficult to buy all the books for Nims test preparation. They are expensive. These past paper books MCQs. Some students cannot afford to buy them. Nowadays the internet is available to everyone. So, preparation of the NUMS test from past papers in PDF format is very easy. This is not an expensive method. So, this is the right way and students should benefit from it.

Past Papers are considered a good source of practice for students appearing for the NUMS Entrance Test, they have nothing about NUMS Test. And no idea how the NUMS test was organized by the examiner. Hence, it is important for NUMS test students to get an idea about the correct pattern of papers and marking scheme.

So, we want to provide you with NUMS Test Past Papers in a very easy way. After solving the past papers students get an idea to manage all the papers in proper time. Past Papers are mainly important points for students to handle and cover NUMS test in proper time. So, NUMS Paper Scheme, Time Limit Awareness, and Marks Distribution are decided from these NUMS Past Papers which are available on our site.

How to Prepare Yourself for NUMS Test from Previous Papers

Students who want to become doctors in the future. They should prepare themselves in the best possible way. It is very difficult because the university organizes a tough exam for the students every year. Because it is an aptitude test for all students.

We can say that the reason behind this is to check their educational level and skills before admitting them to NUMS. Through this pattern, the topper students among the students are evaluated or determined. It needs to be kept in mind that a large number of students appear in NUMS tests but only those students who get high marks or exceptional scores are considered. Hence, it is a very competitive environment for pre-medical students.

As a student, I would suggest you prepare yourself well before appearing for the NUMS test. So, these online past papers in PDF format are the best NUMS test preparation method and the best examiner practice method.

Preparation from past papers is beneficial because

  • Most of the students focus on the NUMS MDCAT test and consider it as a benchmark.
  • These past papers help determine the length of the NUMS test.
  • Types of MCQs, number of MCQs, and options are determined.
  • Assess your grasp of weaknesses and talents in MCQs.
  • One can understand his weakness in a subject and then focus on improving his weakness in that subject.
  • These past papers will help you to revise all subjects in a limited time of around 3 hours.
  • Students’ brains will work faster as they gain knowledge about NUMS tests. As one can understand the paper pattern and difficulty level.

If a student who has an idea about NUMS past papers will get good marks than other students. Since he is well aware of the NUMS test pattern, it means he has an idea from the previous papers about the type of question that will appear in the NUMS test. So, preparation for past papers is essential.

NUMS MDCAT Past Papers PDF Download

As you know and agree with me that in any exam or exam past papers play an important role in success. We can also say that preparation from past papers is essential to get high marks in any type of exam. Preparation of past papers gives one the ability to manage time and control the situation faced during the exam.

I suggest that NUMS test preparation from past papers is important as the examiner may ask some questions from past papers. So, if you want to score high marks then you must check NUMS Previous Papers once. This gives you an idea about the NUMS test and you take your NUMS 2021 test with confidence.

For your convenience, here, the links to NUMS Past Papers are given below.

List of NUMS Past Papers PDF By Years
NUMS Past Papers 2020 with answer key
NUMS Past Paper 2019 with answer key
NUMS Past Paper 2018 with answer key
NUMS Past Paper 2017 with answer key
NUMS Past Paper 2016 with answer key
NUMS Past Paper 2015 with answer key

NUMS Past Papers for 2023 with Answer Key PDF [100% Authentic].

Students can download NUMS Past Papers of the last 05 years like 2019 NUMS Previous Papers and 2018 NUMS Previous Papers PDF to help them prepare or practice for their upcoming NUMS Entrance Exam. Students are advised to continue with whatever method they are using, but it is advisable to include NUMS Previous Papers in their practice schedule. Answers are included in these past papers. MDCAT guide will always be there for your success. These are our Numbers Entry Test Previous Papers with PDF.

NUMS Entry Test Previous Papers 2023 All Subjects PDF Download

We at MDCAT.NET strive to provide students with reliable resources that will help them score high marks because their success is indeed our success. NUMS Past Papers for 2023 So it is recommended to read each past paper separately. Students who are free or preparing for Intermediate Exam or FSC Pre-Medical Exam and want to apply for NUMS Entry Test are advised to access the complete application form for the NUMS Entry Test on our site. are

How to Download Previous Papers 2023

Many No. Entrance Test applicants are looking for No. Previous Exam Papers. However, they cannot find it. I have received hundreds of text messages as well as emails from students asking for past research papers. These NUMS Entry Test 2023 MCQs are extremely useful for practice preparation. Every year, the university offers an entrance test which is difficult for the students.

Prepare through NUMS Past Papers.

Students can find NUMS Past Papers of the last 05 years like NUMS Previous Papers 2019 and NUMS Previous Papers 2018 to prepare or practice well for their upcoming NUMS Entrance Test. You can get NUMS past papers 2021-2022 so it is recommended to check each past paper separately. Every time the university organizes a tough entrance exam for the students. The reason behind this is that it is the only way to assess the academic level or abilities of students before admitting them to NUMS.

Download NUMS Past Papers PDF.

Keep in mind that a large number of students will appear for the entrance test and only those students who come with an exceptional score or result will be considered for admission. So, in this situation, you will go into a very competitive environment. So, you are advised to prepare well before appearing for the entrance exam, and online NUMS past papers pdf download can be the best reason for good exam practice. Here are NUMS Past Papers on different subjects namely Physics NUMS Past Papers, English NUMS Past Papers, NUMS Biology Past Papers, and NUMS Chemistry Past Papers.

Importance of NUMS Past Papers Subject Wise

Past papers are considered a good source of practice. Students, appearing for the entrance test for the first time, do not have a proper idea of how the examiners set the papers. Moreover, it is important to get an idea about the appropriate pattern and marking scheme to cover your paper. This is the reason why we suggest students go through past papers. After solving the past papers you can also get a complete idea of how you can manage your time to crack your entrance test. Past papers are basically the key point that enables one to know how the paper pattern will be. Moreover, paper schemes, time awareness, and mark distribution can be estimated from past papers.

We have added all previous papers to this list. These past papers will help you in all competitive exams.

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English Portion

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Computer Science

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