The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the latest paper scheme for Class IX. For the convenience of students, 9th class paper scheme 2025 for physics is accessible on this page. Candidates can easily view and download it from this webpage.
Peering scheme is valid for Lahore Board, Multan Board, Sargodha Board, Faisalabad Board, Sahiwal Board, DG Khan Board, Rawalpindi Board, Gujranwala Board and all other education boards of Punjab.
The complete paper scheme in text form is given below:
MCQs = 12
(1 from chapter 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, each and 2 from chapter 3, 6, 9 each)
Short Questions
Question No. 2 (5/8)
- Chapter 1 = 3
- Chapter 3 = 3
- Chapter 5 = 2
Question No. 3 (5/8)
- Chapter 2 = 3
- Chapter 7 = 3
- Chapter 9 = 2
Question No. 4 (5/8)
- Chapter 4 = 3
- Chapter 6 = 2
- Chapter 8 = 3
Long Questions (attempt ANY TWO from three)
Question No. 5
- Chapter 1 = theory
- Chapter 3 or 5 = numerical
Question No. 6
- Chapter 2 = numerical
- Chapter 7 or 9 = theory
Question No. 7
- Chapter 4 = theory
- Chapter 6 or 8 = numerical
Paper Pattern and Pairing Scheme always plays an important role in the final preparation of the exams. If you are preparing for the upcoming 9th annual or other annual exams 2025, then this scheme is fully applicable and authentic.
You can follow this scheme and plan your study accordingly. In case of any change in the scheme, we will update this page according to the latest peering scheme of Class 9 Physics.
Keep in mind that even though this scheme is released by paper setters and board sources, there are still some chances of deviation so never rely on the pairing scheme yourself. Students are advised to prepare an extra pair of questions to score maximum marks in the exams.
9th Class Physics Paper Pattern 2025
9th class physics paper is divided into sections i.e. objective and subjective. The objective paper is separated and collected after 15 minutes. While the subject time is 1:45 hours. The total marks of the paper are 60.
Objective Part (12 Marks)
(12 MCQs x 1 mark each = total 12 marks) – Objective section will have 12 MCQs. Each MCQs carries 1 mark. Total numbers are 12.
Subject Section (48 Marks)
The subject section is divided into 2 sections i.e. short questions and long questions.
Part 1 (Short Questions) will have 3 main questions, each with 8 short questions. Attempt 5 short questions from each question 2,3 and 4 to 8. (15 SQs x 2 Marks each = Total 30 Marks)
Part 2 (Long Questions) will have three long questions and you have to attempt any 2 of them. Each long question has two parts, one is theoretical and the other is numerical. You have to solve both parts of the same question. (2 LQs x 9 Marks each = Total 18 Marks)
9th Class Physics Paper Scheme 2025 Federal Bard
The Physics Paper Pattern Class 9 will provide an overview of the types of questions that are likely to appear in the exam, the mark distribution for each section, and other important details about the format of the exam. Access to Federal Board Physics Paper Scheme is essential for students to prepare effectively for the exam and familiarize themselves with Federal Board expectations.
9th Class Physics Pairing Scheme 2024 KP Board
9th Class 2025 Physics Syllabus will give students an insight into the question types, mark distribution, and other important details about the Physics exam, allowing them to prepare effectively and familiarize themselves with the format. will be able to The information has been developed specifically for students studying under the Federal Board, ensuring that it is relevant and applicable to their specific curriculum and academic requirements.
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