Analytical Reasoning Questions With Answers

Analytical Reasoning Questions With Answers

These Analytical Reasoning MCQs are going to help you crack your PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KKPSC and other competitive exams. Analytical reasoning based MCQs designed by our experts to test your preparation, and MCQs further prepare you to score better in the test.

Q. The argument above makes which of the following assumptions?
(A) It is not possible to alter a significant current in world history merely by changing a single event
(B) The technology necessary for time travel is likely to be developed in the near future
(C) If Franz Ferdinand had not been assassinated, some other catalytic event would have led to the start of World War I
(D) The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the crucial event that triggered the start of Word War I

The answer is: (D)

Read: it would be advantageous to send someone back in time to prevent the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and thus keep World War I from ever occurring.

A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the center. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P?

(A) A
(B) X
(C) S
(D) Z

The answer is: (B) X

There are 6 people: A, P, R, X, S and Z:

S and Z are in the center:

A and P are at the ends.

R is sitting to the left of A:


Note that R is sitting left to A. So, A was at the right-end while P was at the left-end.

Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions (Q.No1 to 5) based on it:

  • P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a family. Out of six members three are male members.
  • There are two married couples among them
  • R is the father of P and U, and T is the mother of R
  • P is the grand-daughter of Q

1. How is U related to P?
(A) Sister
(B) Son
(C) Daughter
(D) Brother

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2. How Q is related to U?
(A) Brother
(B) Grandfather
(C) Husband
(D) None of these

3. Which of the following pairs is one of the married couples?
(A) TU
(B) QS
(C) TQ
(D) None of these

4. Which of the following is a group of male members?
(A) Q, S, T
(B) P, U, Q
(C) Q, R, U
(D) None of these

5. Who is the husband of T?
(A) Q
(B) R
(C) U
(D) None of these

1. (D) Brother
2. (B) Grandfather
3. (C) TQ
4. (C) Q, R, U
5. (A) Q

There is a family of six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U. Their professions are Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, Salesman, Manager and Lawyer.

Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions (Q.No1 to 4) based on it:

There is a family of six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U. Their professions are Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, Salesman, Manager and Lawyer.

  • There are two married couples in the family.
  • The Manager is the grandfather of U, who is an Engineer
  • R, the Salesman, is married to the lady Teacher
  • Q is the mother of U and T.
  • The Doctor, S is married to the Manager

1. How many male members are there in the family?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Data inadequate
(D) Four

2. What is the profession of P?
(A) Lawyer
(B) Lawyer or Teacher
(C) Manager
(D) None of these

3. Who are the two married couples in the family?
(A) PQ and SR
(B) PS and RQ
(C) PT and SR
(D) None of these

4. How P is related to T?
(A) Father
(B) Grandfather
(C) Mother
(D) Grandmother

1. (C) Data inadequate
2. (C) Manager
3. (B) PS and RQ
4. (B) Grandfather

Which word does not belong with the others?

  • A: Book
  • B: Index
  • C: Glossary
  • D: Chapter

Short Details: Index, Glossary and Chapter are part of book.

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