In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an)______________?
A. Animation
B. Slide transition
C. Custom animation
D. Preset animation
Which option on the custom animation task pane allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path?
A. Add effect
B. Emphasis
C. Animate now
D. All of the above
To exit the PowerPoint?
A. Click the application minimize button
B. Click the document close button
C. Double click the applications control menu icon
D. Double click the document control menu icon
What Power point feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide ?
A. Slide Transition
B. Slide Design
C. Animation Objects
D. Animation Scheme
Which file is responsible to start MS Power point?
A. ppt.exe
B. Powerpnt.exe
C. Mspoint.exe
D. None of these
To center the selected text, the shortcut key is ___________?
A. Ctrl+ C
B. Ctrl+ E
C. Ctrl+ O
D. Ctrl+ U
How can you stop a slide show?
A. Press Escape
B. Press the right arrow
C. Press the down arrow
D. Press the left arrow
Which of the following pane is not available in Task Pane of Power Point?
A. Getting Started
B. Clip Art
C. Word Art
D. Search result
Which shortcut key inserts a New Slide in Current Presentation?
A. Ctrl + N
B. Ctrl + M
C. Ctrl + O
D. None of These
__________ is a presentation program?
A. U-torrent
B. Mozilla Firefox
C. MS PowerPoint
D. Slide Panel
From the following who invented Slide Rules?
A. John Napier
B. Gottfried Leibnitz
C. William Oughtred
D. Blaise Pascal
Objects on the slide that hold text are called______?
A. Place Holder
B. Object Holder
C. Auto layout
D. Text Holder
In PowerPoint 2016, ‘Rehearse Timings’ option is available in:_________?
A. Home Tab
B. Slide Show Tab
C. Review Tab
D. Design Tab
It is a sign or symbol that specifies, operator, and values that produce a result?
A. Operator
B. Query
C. Expression
D. None of them
What is default font size in MS PowerPoint.
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 18
In MS PowerPoint , on mouse click option can be used by?
A. Insert & on mouse click.
B. Format & on mouse click .
C. Transition & on mouse click .
D. None of these