Microsoft Word Mcqs with Answers for Test Preparation

To change margin settings in Word 2016, click ________ on the menu bar and then point to the Page Margins.

A. File
B. Layout
C. Format
D. Tools

Select a ________ to apply a predefined format to a Word 2016 table?

A. Table style
B. Table format
C. Format Style
D. None of above

Changing the appearance of a document is called___________?

A. Proofing
B. Editing
C. Formatting
D. All of above

Which key is used to increase left indent in Ms Word?

A. Ctrl+I
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+I
D. F10

When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to insert the code’s brackets?

A. Ctrl + F6
B. Ctrl + F9
C. Alt + F11
D. Shift + F12

How can you make the selected character super-scripted in Ms Word?

A. Ctrl + =
B. Ctrl + Shift + =
C. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =
D. None of above

What does Ctrl + = key effect?

A. Superscript
B. Subscript
C. All Caps
D. Shadow

The Footnote Text style defines characters as ___________?

A. 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and right-aligned
B. 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and left-aligned
C. 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and right-aligned
D. 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and left-aligned

Word is preset to use standard 8.5-by-11-inch paper with _______ margins?

A. 1-inch left, right, top, and bottom
B. 1.25-inch left, right, top, and bottom
C. 1.25-inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom
D. 1-inch left and right margins and 1.25-inch top and bottom

How much space in minimum must be provided between columns?

A. 0″
B. 0.5″
C. 1″
D. 1.5″

The _________ in the Resume Wizard dialog box indicates the wizard is ready to create the document.

A. Start panel
B. Finish panel
C. Add/Sort Heading panel
D. Address panel

What is a Document Outline View in Ms Word?

A. A preview in a full screen
B. A preview with margins
C. A View with a margins and gutter
D. A view with a structure of heading at various levels

What do you call ‘a collection of character and paragraph formatting commands’?

A. the defaults
B. a template
C. a style

By default, your document prints with__________?

A. 1 inch top and bottom margins
B. a portrait orientation
C. 1.25 inches left and right margins
D. all of the above

Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source?

A. ‘Data Source’ button
B. ‘Edit’ button
C. ‘Edit Data Source’ button
D. ‘Data Editing’ button

The file type ________ indicates the file is a Word document.

A. .msw
B. .wor
C. .wrd
D. .docx

Ms Word, by default, places a tab stop at every _________ mark on the ruler.

A. .25″
B. .5″
C. .75″
D. 1″

Word stores all frames associated with a Web page in a single file called the __________.

A. authoring page
B. text page
C. frames page
D. hyperlink page

If you need to hide some paragraphs, how can you do it in Ms Word?

A. From Paragraph dialog box
B. From Font dialog box
C. From Options Dialog box
D. None of above

__________ are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard dialog box.

A. Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
B. Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
C. Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
D. Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted

What is the tool in Word that copies only the format of selected text so that you can apply on other text?

A. Copy
B. Paste
C. Format Painter
D. Paste Special

Although it is not shown in normal view, to view a header, click _________ on the menu bar and then click Header and Footer.

A. View
B. Edit
C. Format
D. Tools

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