Pakistan Movement 1857-1947 MCQs With Answers

The “Chauri Chaura incident” was a turning point in the Khilafat Movement. What happened during this incident?
A) A peaceful protest march was held
B) A massacre of British officials occurred
C) The leaders declared independence for India
D) The movement was disbanded

The formal abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate occurred in:
A) 1919
B) 1921
C) 1924
D) 1930

The Khilafat Movement’s non-cooperation activities included boycotting British-made goods and:
A) Launching violent attacks on British officials
B) Refusing to pay taxes
C) Demanding a separate Muslim state
D) Encouraging conversion to Christianity

The “Jallianwala Bagh Massacre” of 1919, in which British troops killed hundreds of unarmed protesters, had a profound impact on the Khilafat Movement. In which city did the massacre occur?
A) Delhi
B) Lahore
C) Amritsar
D) Kolkata

The leaders of the Khilafat Movement organized a “Hijrat Movement” encouraging Muslims to migrate from India to which country?
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Afghanistan
C) Iran
D) Turkey

The Khilafat Movement’s leaders adopted a strategy of “non-cooperation” with the British government. What did this strategy involve?
A) Engaging in armed struggle against the British
B) Seeking the support of foreign powers
C) Collaborating with the British for reforms
D) Refusing to cooperate with British authorities and institutions

Which of the following was the main objective of the Round Table Conferences?
A) To discuss India’s independence
B) To address constitutional reforms in India
C) To negotiate trade agreements
D) To establish colonial rule

Who chaired the first Round Table Conference held in 1930?
A) Winston Churchill
B) Ramsay MacDonald
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Mahatma Gandhi

Which of the following individuals represented the Indian National Congress at the Round Table Conferences?
A) Subhas Chandra Bose
B) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
C) Mahatma Gandhi
D) Jawaharlal Nehru

The communal award was associated with which Round Table Conference?
A) First Round Table Conference
B) Second Round Table Conference
C) Third Round Table Conference
D) All of the above

Who among the following boycotted the Round Table Conferences?
A) Indian National Congress
B) Muslim League
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

The Government of India Act of 1935 was partially based on the discussions and deliberations held during which Round Table Conference?
A) First Round Table Conference
B) Second Round Table Conference
C) Third Round Table Conference
D) All of the above

Which British Viceroy represented the colonial government in the Round Table Conferences?
A) Lord Mountbatten
B) Lord Irwin
C) Lord Chelmsford
D) Lord Willingdon

The representation of untouchables or Dalits was primarily advocated by:
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) R. Ambedkar
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Vallabhbhai Patel

The failure of the Round Table Conferences led to:
A) Immediate independence for India
B) The Quit India Movement
C) The creation of the Indian National Army
D) The eventual partition of India

Which of the following British monarchs was on the throne during the Round Table Conferences?
A) King Edward VIII
B) Queen Victoria
C) King George V
D) King George VI

The Communal Award of 1932 provided separate electorates for:
A) Muslims and Hindus
B) Hindus and Sikhs
C) Muslims and Sikhs
D) Dalits and Buddhists

Who led the Indian delegation at the Second Round Table Conference?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Subhas Chandra Bose
D) Bhimrao Ambedkar

The objective of the Simon Commission was to:
A) Assess the economic condition of India
B) Evaluate the progress of Indian industries
C) Review the working of the Government of India Act 1919
D) Propose reforms for Indian education

The Round Table Conferences were convened in which city?
A) London
B) New Delhi
C) Karachi
D) Lahore

The participation of which prominent leader was minimal in the Round Table Conferences due to imprisonment during that period?
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Subhas Chandra Bose
C) Maulana Azad
D) Vallabhbhai Patel

The third Round Table Conference was boycotted by which major political party?
A) Indian National Congress
B) Muslim League
C) All India Forward Bloc
D) Socialist Party of India

The failure of the Round Table Conferences was primarily due to:
A) Lack of participation from Indian leaders
B) Intransigence on the part of the British government
C) Failure to address the demands of various communities adequately
D) All of the above

Which commission was appointed by the British Government in 1927 to draft the coming constitution for India?
A) Nehru Commission
B) Simon Commission
C) Gandhi Commission
D) MacDonnell Commission

Who among the following was NOT a representative of the Indian National Congress in the Round Table Conferences?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Subhas Chandra Bose
D) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

Which Round Table Conference saw the participation of representatives from Indian princely states?
A) First Round Table Conference
B) Second Round Table Conference
C) Third Round Table Conference
D) All of the above

What was the primary demand of the Congress Party before agreeing to attend the Round Table Conferences?
A) Complete Independence for India
B) Drafting a scheme for Dominion Status for India
C) Dissolution of the Simon Commission
D) Separate electorates for Untouchables

Who signed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact on January 25, 1931?
A) Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin
B) Jawaharlal Nehru and Lord Mountbatten
C) Subhas Chandra Bose and Winston Churchill
D) Vallabhbhai Patel and Ramsay MacDonald

What led Gandhi to start a fast unto death during the Second Round Table Conference?
A) The rejection of the Nehru Report
B) Disagreements over the federal structure of government
C) The application of the principle of Weightage in the Communal Award
D) The absence of Muslim leaders from the conference

Which Round Table Conference did not see the participation of the Congress and Labour Party?
A) First Round Table Conference
B) Second Round Table Conference
C) Third Round Table Conference
D) None of the above

What was the major outcome of the Communal Award announced by the British Government in 1932?
A) Recognition of untouchables as a minority
B) Establishment of separate electorates for Sikhs
C) Sindh awarded the status of a separate province
D) Formation of a federal legislature in India

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