Pakistan Movement 1857-1947 MCQs With Answers

Act of 1935 consisted of how many sections?
A) 320
B) 321
C) 322
D) 323

The deliberation of Act 1935 preparation was printed over how many pages?
A) 323
B) 324
C) 325
D) 326

Act of 1935 contained how many schedules?
A) 8
B) 9
C) 11
D) 10

Act of 1935 contained how many parts?
A) 11
B) 12
C) 13
D) 14

The first Emperor of the Tughluq Dynasty?
A) Ameer Gulzar Tughluq
B) Alaudin Khilji
C) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
D) Ziauddin Tughluq

Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah, The Agha Khan headed the historic Simla deputation Which successfully presented Muslim demands on 01 Oct 1906 before:
A) Lord Curzon
B) Lord Irwin
C) Lord Minto
D) None of these

“Delhi proposal” was published in which year?
A) 1927
B) 1928
C) 1929
D) 1930

The first Urdu newspaper in the Indian subcontinent was ____________?
A) Jam-e-Jahan Numa
B) Nawai-e-waqt
C) Imroz
D) Indian Gazette

When did the All India Muslim League (AIML) celebrated Victory Day?
A) January 1945
B) January 1946
C) January 1937
D) Never celebrated Victory da

Under which scheme did the Muslim league surrender the demand of a separate electorate for the Muslims?
A) Delhi Proposal 1927
B) Patna Scheme 1938
C) Poona Pact
D) Never Surrender

Which Political Party was in Power in North West Frontier Province (Now KPK) at the time of Independence?
A) Muslim League
B) Congress
C) Justice Party
D) Tehreek e Khaksar

Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Quit India Movement?
A) Lord Wavell
B) Lord Wallington
C) Lord Linlithgow
D) None of these

When did Simla Conference held?
A) 1944
B) 1945
C) 1956
D) 1942

Who Presented Lahore Resolution (Pakistan Resolution) on 23rd March,1940?
A) Allama Iqbal
B) Liaquat Ali Khan
C) Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
D) K Fazlul-Haq

In March 1942, who came to sub-continent with some proposals to solve constitutional problems?
A) Lord Ripon
B) Lord Minto
C) Stafford Crips
D) Linlithgow

Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ________in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526?
A) Akbar
B) Babar
C) Jahangir
D) Iltutmish

Who supported Pan-Islamism is the sub-continent?
A) Syed Ameer Ali
B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
C) Liaqat Ali Khan
D) None of them

Boundary commission was headed by__________?
A) Adorn Radcliffe
B) Cecil Radcliffe
C) Cyril Radcliffe
D) Thomas Radcliffe

Nawab Abdul Latif found the Muhammadan Literary Society in April 1863 at___________?
A) Dhaka
B) Faridpur
C) Calcutta
D) Selhat

The issue which made Syed Ahmed Khan to conclude the Hindus and Muslims could not work together anymore was.
A) Hindi-Urdu Controversy
B) Ilbert Bill
C) Issue of Muslim University
D) Partition of Bengal

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan gave a effective reply to Sir William Muir’s work “Life of Muhammad” through his treatise entitled.
A) Tabeen-ul-Kalam
B) Risalah Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq
C) Asarul Sanadid
D) Khutbat-i-Ahmadiyah

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had declared that “the system of election pure and simple cannot safely be adopted. The large community would totally override the interest of the smaller community” in his speech in year of.
A) 1881
B) 1882
C) 1883
D) 1884

Nawab Viqar-ul-Mul become secretary of Board of Trusties Aligarh in Year of:
A) 1906
B) 1907
C) 1908
D) 1909

Who is considered the founder of the Aligarh Movement?
A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
B) Allama Iqbal
C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
D) Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Ali

In which year was the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) established?
A) 1857
B) 1875
C) 1887
D) 1901

In which year was the Mohammadans Anglo-Oriental School established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?
A) 1860
B) 1875
C) 1886
D) 1906

What organization did Sir Syed found in 1886 to address issues concerning Muslims, alongside education?
A) All India Muslim League
B) Mohammadans Educational Conference
C) All Indian Muslim Students Federation
D) Simla Deputation

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