Ideology of Pakistan MCQs with Answers

Quaid-e-Azam believed that the creation of Pakistan would

A) Promote a particular Islamic sect
B) Safeguard Muslim political and economic rights
C) Establish a communist regime
D) Exclude other religious communities

According to Allama Iqbal, the foundation of a Muslim state should be based on

A) Economic prosperity
B) Islamic ethics and values
C) Technological advancements
D) Geographical boundaries

Quaid-e-Azam emphasized the importance of democracy and equal rights for

A) Muslims only
B) All citizens, regardless of their religion
C) Male citizens
D) Elite and wealthy individuals

Allama Iqbal’s concept of a separate Muslim state was initially articulated in which famous address?

A) Allahabad Address
B) Lahore Resolution
C) Delhi Proposal
D) Karachi Declaration

Quaid-e-Azam’s political party, which played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan, was named

A) Muslim League
B) All India Muslim League
C) Indian National Congress
D) Islamic National Party

Quaid-e-Azam’s vision of Pakistan included the promotion of

A) Monarchy
B) Democratic principles and rule of law
C) Authoritarian regime
D) Oligarchy

Allama Iqbal’s idea of a separate Muslim state emphasized the need for Muslims to

A) Imitate Western values
B) Rediscover their Islamic identity and heritage
C) Embrace atheism
D) Reject all forms of governance

Quaid-e-Azam advocated for the equality of all citizens, regardless of their

A) Political affiliations
B) Religious beliefs
C) Social status and backgrounds
D) Marital status

According to Allama Iqbal, a separate Muslim state was a step towards

A) Secularism
B) Renaissance and unity of the Muslim Ummah
C) Isolation from the global community
D) Economic imperialism

Allama Iqbal’s vision of a separate Muslim state emphasized:

A) Political hegemony
B) Socio-economic justice within an Islamic framework
C) Linguistic homogeneity
D) Technological advancement

Quaid-e-Azam’s approach towards achieving a separate Muslim state involved:

A) Armed revolution
B) Negotiations and political diplomacy
C) Religious extremism
D) Social protests

Allama Iqbal’s famous poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke” reflects his emphasis on:

A) Materialistic desires
B) Spiritual and moral development of the youth
C) Linguistic diversity
D) Economic prosperity

Quaid-e-Azam believed that the Muslim state of Pakistan should be founded on the principles of:

A) Oligarchy
B) Democracy and constitutionalism
C) Theocracy
D) Monarchy

Allama Iqbal’s concept of a separate Muslim state was primarily a response to:

A) Economic downturn
B) The political marginalization of Muslims in India
C) Technological advancements
D) Social inequality

Quaid-e-Azam’s 14 points were presented to:

A) Advocate for a united India
B) Highlight Muslim political demands and rights
C) Call for an end to British rule
D) Promote socialist ideologies

Allama Iqbal believed that the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent needed to focus on:

A) Westernization
B) Reviving their spiritual and intellectual heritage
C) Economic colonization
D) Emigrating to Muslim-majority countries

Quaid-e-Azam’s motto of “Unity, Faith, Discipline” highlighted the importance of:

A) Cultural diversity
B) National unity and a strong sense of purpose
C) Regionalism
D) Religious exclusivity

Allama Iqbal’s poem “Shaheen” symbolizes:

A) Political unrest
B) A visionary and awakened Muslim youth
C) Economic prosperity
D) Technological advancements

Quaid-e-Azam’s role in the creation of Pakistan was primarily as a:

A) Religious preacher
B) Political leader and negotiator
C) Military strategist
D) Social reformer

Allama Iqbal’s idea of a separate Muslim state emphasized the revival of which historical Islamic concept?

A) Monarchy
B) Caliphate
C) Oligarchy
D) Feudalism

Quaid-e-Azam’s vision for Pakistan included the principles of:

A) Dictatorship
B) Democracy and rule of law
C) Autocracy
D) Aristocracy

Allama Iqbal’s vision of a separate Muslim state was presented most prominently in which of his works?

A) The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
B) Stray Reflections
C) The Secrets of the Self
D) The Idea of Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam emphasized the importance of education to:

A) Promote class-based division
B) Develop a modern and enlightened society
C) Encourage religious extremism
D) Foster gender discrimination

Allama Iqbal’s concept of a separate Muslim state aimed to provide a platform for:

A) Religious assimilation
B) Preservation of Islamic culture and values
C) Promotion of atheism
D) Social segregation

Quaid-e-Azam believed in the equality and rights of:

A) Muslims only
B) All citizens, regardless of their religion or ethnicity
C) The ruling elite
D) Urban populations only

Allama Iqbal’s poetry often encouraged Muslims to:

A) Abandon their religious beliefs
B) Unite and work towards a common Islamic goal
C) Assimilate into Western society
D) Pursue materialistic gains

Quaid-e-Azam’s speeches and statements focused on:

A) Establishing a Hindu-majority state
B) Safeguarding the rights and interests of Muslims
C) Promoting religious intolerance
D) Advocating communism

Allama Iqbal’s idea of a separate Muslim state was influenced by his observations of:

A) A secular Indian society
B) The declining status of Muslims in India
C) Economic prosperity among Muslims
D) Global political stability

Quaid-e-Azam’s leadership during the Pakistan Movement emphasized:

A) Military control
B) Political and constitutional means to achieve goals
C) Promoting regionalism
D) Embracing an autocratic regime

What did Allama Iqbal envision as the final destiny of the Muslims of N.W. India?

A) A single state with self-government, encompassing specific regions
B) Complete independence from any external influence
C) Integration into Hindu-majority regions
D) Division of regions into separate states for better governance

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