Computer Fundamental MCQs With Answers For Test Preparation

Computer Fundamental MCQs With Answers

Here, we have listed the most important Computer Fundamental MCQs questions with answers for practice.

These Computer Basic Multiple Choice Questions will always be asked in various competitive exams like PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, CSS, MDCAT and many more.

These MCQs will help you gain an understanding of basic and advanced concepts of computer fundamentals. So prepare whole heartily.

Which one connects two similar network segments?

A. Router
B. Bridge
C. Gateway
D. Node

Which Network Topology needs Hub for its working?

A. Bus Topology
B. Ring Topology
C. Star Topology
D. Mesh Topology

___ are used to identify a user who returns to a website?

A. Cookies
B. Plug-ins
C. Scripts

The columns of a table correspond to?

A. Table
B. Record
C. Field
D. Cell

Volatile memory is computer memory that ___ power (electricity) to maintain the stored information:

A. Require
B. Does not Require
C. May Require
D. None of these

The output received on the display screen or in the audio or video form is called?

A. Hard Copy
B. Light Copy
C. Soft Copy
D. None of these

Microsoft PowerPoint two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are?

A. .Wav files and .gif files
B. .Wav files and .mid files
C. .Jpg files and .gif files
D. None of these

The______ is firmware that contains a computer’s startup instructions.


In the 2nd Generation of Computer Vacuum Tubes were replaced by what?

A. Conductors
B. Diodes
C. Transistors
D. All are conductors

Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?

B. Cache
D. Hard Disk Drive

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