Computer Fundamental MCQs With Answers For Test Preparation

A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the internet, is called a:

A. Patch
C. Version
D. Rectifier

If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a:

A. Repeater
B. Resonance
C. Router
D. Switch

What is called a USB communication device that supports data encryption for secure wireless communication for notebook users?

A. Wireless hub
B. Wireless switch
C. USB wireless network adapter
D. Router

What is the name given to those applications that combine text, sound, graphics, motion video and/ or animation?

A. Motionware
B. Unigraphics
C. Videotapes
D. Multimedia

A program either talk or music, that is made available in digital format for automatic download over the internet is called:

A. Wiki
B. Blog
C. Broadcast
D. Podcast

Usually downloaded into folders that hold temporary internet files, __ are written to your computer’s hard disk by some of the websites you visit.

A. Anonymous files
B. Behavior files
C. Banner ads
D. Cookies

Which refers to too much electricity and may cause a voltage surge?

A. Anomaly
B. Shock
C. Spike
D. Virus

In computing, how is a modulator-demodulator more commonly known?

A. Modem
B. Printer
C. Multiplexer
D. Circuit

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