In computer the word “Boot” is used for ____.
A. To shutdown system
B. To start a computer
C. To exit opened software
D. To start up a software
The Example of Supercomputers are ________.
A. Cray-1
B. CYBER 205
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
There are ______ basic kinds of computer.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Who invented punched card to create patterns in fabric woven on a loom?
A. Charles Babbage
B. Jacquard
C. William Burroughs
D. Bush
Who invented first mechanical calculator?
A. Blaise Pascal
B. Jacquard
C. Gottfried
D. John Napier
Who made the first Mechanical calculating device?
A. Jacquard
B. Gottfried Leibnitz
C. Blaise Pascal
D. John Napier
Binary circuit elements have __________ state.
A. one stable
B. two stable
C. three stable
D. four stable
“FoxPro” is a ____________.
A. learning language
B. computer language
C. internet device
D. computer device
“ASCII” is the abbreviation of ___________.
A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
B. All Standard Code for Interchange Internet
C. American Small Code for Information Interchange
D. American Standard Class for Inform Interchange
“UNIVAC” stands for ___________.
A. Universal Array Computer
B. Unit Automatic Computer
C. Unique Array Computer
D. Universal Automatic Computer
“EBCDIC” is the abbreviation of ____________.
A. Extra Big Code Decode Interchange Code
B. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
C. Extended Binary Class Direct Initialize Code
D. None of these