Computer Fundamental MCQs With Answers For Test Preparation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is associated with which of the following computer generation?

A. Second Generation
B. Third Generation
C. Fourth Generation
D. Fifth Generation

The Second Generation computers were developed during ___________.

A. 1956 to 1965
B. 1963 to 1969
C. 1970 to 1976
D. 1975 to 1981

Which of the following Computer Generation is still under development?

A. Third Generation
B. Fourth Generation
C. Fifth Generation
D. Sixth Generation

CPU is the combination of _____________

A. RAM & HardDisk
B. Cache & processor
C. Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) & control unit (CU)
D. Input & Output unit

The brain of computer system is ___________.


Which language is directly understand by the computer with out translate it ?

A. High level language
B. Assembly Language
C. Both A & B
D. Machine Language 

Software in computer ___________ .

A. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine 
B. Increase the speed of RAM
C. Both of the above
D. Programming

Which statement is correct ?

A. 1 KB=1024 bytes 
B. 1 MB =2048 Bytes
C. 1 MB = 1000 Kilobytes
D. All of these

Which of the following statement is valid about magnetic tape ?

A. It can be erased and reused
B. It is coated on both sides with iron oxide
C. It can be Carbon ribbon
D. It is a plastic ribbon 

The computer that process both analog and digital is called _________ .

A. Digital computer
B. Analog Computer
C. MainFrame Computer
D. Hybrid computer .

The first computer introduced in ________ .

B. Pakistan
C. India
D. Nepal 

“WAN” is the abbreviation of __________ .

A. Wireless Area Network
B. Wap Area Network
C. Wide Array Net
D. Wide Area Network 

‘BCD’ is the abbreviation of __________ .

A. Bit Coded Decimal
B. Binary Coded Digit
C. Bit Coded Digit
D. Binary Coded Decimal 

MSI is the abbreviation of _____________ .

A. Medium System Intelligent circuit
B. Medium System Integrated Circuit
C. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits 
D. All of these

IBM 1401 is ____________ .

A. Fourth Generation Computer
B. Second Generation Computer 
C. Third Generation Computer
D. None of these

VGA Stand for __________ .

A. Visual Graphic Array
B. Volatile Graphics Array
C. Video Graphics Array 
D. All of these

ALU Stand for ___________ .

A. Array Logic Unit
B. Application Logic Unit
C. Arithmetic Logic Unit 
D. All of these

CD-ROM is the abbreviation of ___________ .

A. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
B. Compact Read Only Memory
C. Both B & D
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory 

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