Microsoft Excel Mcqs with Answers for Test Preparation

What is the first step to apply a filter to a range of data in Excel?

a) Select the range of data
b) Click on the Insert tab
c) Open the Review tab
d) Select the Home tab

How can you filter data to show only rows that contain a specific text string?

a) Use Sort A to Z
b) Use Custom Filter
c) Use Data Validation
d) Use Conditional Formatting

Which feature allows you to sort data based on a custom list, such as sorting months in chronological order?

a) Custom Sort
b) Filter
c) Sort by Color
d) Data Validation

What happens when you click the “Sort Largest to Smallest” button in a column of numbers?

a) The numbers are sorted in ascending order
b) The numbers are sorted in descending order
c) The numbers are filtered out
d) The numbers are averaged

Which type of cell reference changes when copied to another cell?

a) Absolute reference
b) Relative reference
c) Mixed reference
d) Static reference

See also  Analytical Reasoning Questions With Answers

Which type of cell reference remains constant no matter where it is copied?

a) Relative reference
b) Absolute reference
c) Mixed reference
d) Dynamic reference

What symbol is used to indicate an absolute cell reference in Excel?

a) #
b) &
c) $
d) *

If a cell contains the formula =A1+B1 and it is copied to the right by one cell, what will the new formula be?

a) =A1+B1
b) =A2+B2
c) =B1+C1
d) =B1+C2

How would you write an absolute reference for cell A1?

a) $A$1
b) A1
c) $A1
d) A$1

Which of the following is an example of a mixed cell reference?

a) $A$1
b) $A1
c) A$1
d) both b & c

What will be the result of copying the formula =$A$1B1 from cell C1 to cell D2?

a) =$A$1B2
b) =$A$1C2
c) =$A$1B1
d) =A1B1

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